Allow myself to introduce myself.
I am a recently retired professional, with both civilian and military experience. My decision to retire somewhat earlier than usual was based on my decades long disdain for my day-to-day work environment. But I still hold in high regard my chosen profession and previous roles I served in said professional. Does that sound too lawyerly? I admittedly had some initial uncertainty about my decision to call it quits. After all, I am still a fairly young, healthy, and, according to my wife, a relatively good-looking man. But with only a few months of retirement under my belt, it appears to suit me more than expected. Time will tell.
Now, with work and child rearing in my rear-view mirror so to speak, I have the time to think more
about the more esoteric aspects of the world around me. What I hope is that by putting down my thoughts and ideas “on paper” it might help clarify my own understanding of current events, including suggested social paradigm shifts and norms that I may have tried to minimize, if not outright ignore, during my pre-retirement years. And maybe, just maybe, with your help, we might elevate the seemingly endless low brow daily “Tik-Tok” dialogue of so-called influencers and other divisive media
With all that said, I hope You join the N4N conversation, with civility and an open mind.

Site owner & Writer

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